
Add a Car

You need to be logged into your Train Game account.

You only need to add your car once. It can then be placed In and Out of Play at your descretion.

A transponder ID is not requred to add a car.  This is entered from the Car Page Edit Screen which only the owners can access.

1. From the Stock page select "+Add Car".

First thing is to add the car details to the Database.  These are your names and data used to describe your car to the person moving it.

2. Enter your car Title, Road, Number Style, Color, Length, Weight, and Owner name.

3. Press "Save Edit" at the bottom of the page.


You should now be at the car page for your car. If not, open the Stock Page and select your car.

4. Go to Upload Photo and select "Choose File".

You can now either take a picture or select a picture from your mobile device.

5. After selecting your photo, tap "Upload".  It may take a minute.

From now on, you only need to toggle "In Play" and adjust the Transponder/Tracker ID from the Car Edit Page.

6. Tap "Save Edit" when finished.

Putting Your Car In-Play.

Select your Car from the Stock Page > Edit Page

1. Select the "In-Play" box.

2. Verify your Transponder ID is entered.

3. Select "Save Edit"

In order for your car to be put In-Play, it should have an operating transponder that has recently sent its position information to the Train Game network and server. This could take several minutes after powering on the device.  The side button on the Transponder will force the device to send its position.  Please try to have your transponder turned on at least 15-30 minutes before putting your car In-Play.  It helps speed up the registering and jobbing process. 

At the moment that you put your car In-Play, a move will be generated and posted for your immediate location. It is important that your car is placed initially at any of the regular Train Game Stations, Towns or Locations to start.  The main yard location at Ladder A tracks 104-110 is the interchange yard.     
