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Rail Ops Bar. Setup Wheel, Welcome User Name and your Train Game points TG$ total.
Menu Bar. Home page, Camera page, Map page, map Station/Town page, Moves page, Rolling Stock page, Ranking page.
Request Switch List
A Switch List will assign 1 to 4 movements based on your selection of the Zones that you want to work in. No selection of pickup locations can be done in this mode.
Note: Based on the number of cars available and your Zone selection, this option may or may not be available.
1. Select your Zones.
2. Select your Limit (1, 2, 3 or 4) cars. *Limits will be set by the system based on car availability.
3. Select Generate Switch List.
All movement selections allow cancellation within 30 minutes. From that time forward, you are required to complete the move within the time allocated by the system. Failure to cancel a movement, timeout of a movement, or movement to an incorrect location will result in TG$ penalties for failure to complete the contract.